Sunday, December 28, 2008

Runathon Days 26 - 28 & Week 4 summary

Day 26
This was the second Dawn Patrol run of the week. I decided to join Julie and the gang at the Rillito River Path at Craycroft at 6AM. We discovered that the path was under construction and had to park on a side street. The weather had been a mess at my house with rain, and it looked like it could rain on the run, so I wore my rain pants and tied my jacket around my waist. A little over a mile into the run I had to strip the pants off and tie those around my waist too (I had Underarmor shorts on underneath for those wondering). So I was hauling the laundry on the run that day. I never needed my rain jacket, and when I got home the rain hit and didn't let up all day. During our run it was 50 degrees out, which turned out to be the warmest time of day. So we managed to run in the only hole in the weather all day. Total of 6.23 miles completed.

Day 27
The winter storm the day before brought snow to the mountains, and I wanted to do a snow hike. But I also needed to get my run in. So I ran to the trailhead to Agua Caliente Hill trail that is 2 miles from our house. I had packed my hiking gear in the Jeep and told Zac to meet me at the trail head in 24 minutes. After running 26 days in a row, you can be that accurate in estimating your running times. He drove up and parked the Jeep, and I changed out of my running gear and into my hiking gear.

We hiked to the 3 mile mark of the trail, and the summitt is at 4.5 miles. We had to turn around because Zac had blisters as he had worn the wrong socks and boots. We took lots of pictures though, and on the way down we ran into the Purple Mountain Goat tour group. 4 goats were on the trail with a group that was heading up. I got a quick picture with the goats, and we continued on. By that point it was getting warm and the snow was melting. I was glad we had decided to do Agua Caliente Hill, because Mt. Lemmon was a mess with traffic.

Day 28
Just a quick 2 mile run, done as an out & back on Ft. Lowell before we left to meet my parents for dinner. Very boring. (The run that is, not dinner).

Week 4 Summary
Monday = 2.01 miles
Tuesday = 2.01 miles
Wednesday = 6.03 miles
Thursday = 2.00 miles
Friday = 6.23 miles
Saturday = 2.04 miles
Sunday = 2.00 miles

Total = 22.32

Only 3 more days to go!

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