Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Runathon Day 29

This was probably my least favorite day of the Runanthon. I got up early and headed out the door to pick up my mom, and we drove up to Tohono Chul Park. We walked around the park for 3 hours straight, and got lunch at the Tea Room. This was my birthday gift to her. Afterwards I got home, and found that Zac had glued my base cabinets together. So I quickly set to work sanding them and starting the stain process. I got the staining done at 6 PM, which meant at 11 PM I could put the second coat on.

I STILL had to get my run in. At 7:30 PM I reluctantly put my headlamp and running gear on. I saw Zac in the hallway before my run.

Me: "I don't want to run. I walked around for 3 hours today. Shouldn't that count for something?"
Zac: "It's Runathon, not Walkathon."
He reached up and clicked on my headlamp.
"Now you're ready to go" he said.

I have a feeling Zac thinks he's my coach much like Nate thinks he's Liane's coach. Note to self: Husbands of Tri Girls give each other bad ideas.

So I set off and did a miserable 2 miles on Lenher Schwerin, hating every minute of it. I got home, showered, made dinner, and took a quick nap before getting up at 11 PM to put the final stain coat on my cabinets.

Runathon I do not like you.

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