Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time to Incinerate

Holly reminded me last night that my blog is sucking right now. Apologies to all. I will skip the Four Corners XTERRA race report for now and begin blogging again. I need to get that report done sometime. I just haven't been feeling it lately.

I'm between training plans right now and doing whatever works in the schedule. The summer aquathlons are going well, but I haven't been on the mountain bike much. The Lemmon Squeezy rides are taking the place of it right now. This week is the climb to General Hitchcock, at 12 miles. I will be starting at 6AM, just like the plan says. Group rides are kind of strange. Everyone is telling me why they can't or won't attend. It's too early, it's too late, it's not long enough, it's too long...geez. It's not that formal. Folks can ride how early/late/long/short/fast/slow they want. Just get out and ride dammit! ;)

The Snow Valley XTERRA is at 7400 ft, so I need to get some elevation work in. That's 1000 ft higher than Deuces Wild, and boy does that race hurt. So on Friday I will drive up to Palisades and run the Incinerator Ridge trail. Zac will be coming along with me to ride while I run, hopefully helping to ward off any mountain lions. I'm not sure if he'll be able to go with me each week, so I may drive to Palisades and run the road during the week. Not sure if mountain lions come near the road or not.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Yay blog yay.... and some of us will make ANY excuse mot to ride....